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AS 43.50.625

Forfeiture of other property.

(a) Upon a showing of probable cause that a person has committed the crime of misconduct involving unstamped cigarettes or stamps in the first degree under AS 43.50.640 , the following are subject to forfeiture:
(1) material and equipment used in the manufacture, sale, offering for sale, or possession for sale of cigarettes in this state in violation of AS 43.50.500 -- 43.50.640 or 43.50.660 -- 43.50.700 ;
(2) aircraft, vehicles, or vessels used to transport or facilitate the transportation of cigarettes manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or possessed for sale in this state in violation of AS 43.50.500 -- 43.50.640 or 43.50.660 -- 43.50.700 ;
(3) money, securities, negotiable instruments, or other things of value used in financial transactions derived from activity prohibited under AS 43.50.500 -- 43.50.640 or 43.50.660 -- 43.50.700 .
(b) Property subject to forfeiture under this section may be actually or constructively seized under an order issued by the superior court upon a showing of probable cause that the property is subject to forfeiture under this section.  Constructive seizure is effected upon posting a signed notice of seizure on the item to be forfeited, stating the violation and the date and place of seizure.  Seizure without a court order may be made if
(1) the seizure is incident to a valid arrest or search;
(2) the property subject to seizure is the subject of a prior judgment in favor of the state;  or
(3) there is probable cause to believe that the property is subject to forfeiture under (a) of this section;  property seized under this paragraph may be held for not more than 48 hours unless an order of forfeiture is issued by the court before the end of that time period.
(c) Within 30 days after a seizure under this section, the Department of Public Safety shall make reasonable efforts to ascertain the identity and whereabouts of any person holding an interest, or an assignee of a person holding an interest, in the property seized, including a right to possession, or a lien, mortgage, or conditional sales contract.  The Department of Public Safety shall notify the person ascertained to have an interest in the seized property of the impending forfeiture, and, before forfeiture, the Department of Public Safety shall publish, once a week for four consecutive calendar weeks, a notice of the impending forfeiture in a newspaper of general circulation in the judicial district in which the seizure was made, or if a newspaper is not published in that judicial district, in a newspaper published in the state and distributed in that judicial district.
(d) Property subject to forfeiture under (a) of this section may be forfeited
(1) upon conviction of a person for a violation of AS 43.50.640 ;  or
(2) upon judgment by the superior court in a proceeding in rem that the property was used in a manner subjecting it to forfeiture under (a) of this section.
(e) The owner of property subject to forfeiture under (a) of this section is entitled to relief from the forfeiture in the nature of remission of the forfeiture if, in an action under (d) of this section, the owner shows that the owner
(1) was not a party to the violation;
(2) did not have actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the property was used or was to be used in violation of the law;  and
(3) did not have actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the person committing the violation had, within the last 10 years,
(A) a criminal record for violating this chapter;  or
(B) committed other violations of this chapter.
(f) The court may allow the owner of property that is subject to forfeiture under (a) of this section to redeem the property by paying an amount determined by the court to be the fair market value of the property.
(g) A person other than the owner holding, or the assignee of, a lien, mortgage, or conditional sales contract on, or the right to possession of, property subject to forfeiture under (a) of this section is entitled to relief from the forfeiture in the nature of remission of the forfeiture if, in an action under (d) of this section, the person shows that the person
(1) was not a party to the violation subjecting the property to forfeiture;
(2) did not have actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the property was used or was to be used in violation of the law;  and
(3) did not have actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the person committing the violation had, within the last 10 years,
(A) a criminal record for violating this chapter;  or
(B) committed other violations of this chapter.
(h) It is not a defense in an in rem forfeiture proceeding brought under (d)(2) of this section that a criminal proceeding is pending or has resulted in conviction or acquittal of a person charged with violating AS 43.50.640 .
(i) Property forfeited under this section shall be placed in the custody of the commissioner of public safety for disposition according to an order entered by the court.  The court shall order destroyed any property forfeited under this section that is harmful to the public and may order any property forfeited under this section that was seized in a municipality to be transferred to the municipality in which the property was seized or to another municipality affected by the crime for which the property was forfeited.  The state shall notify all municipalities affected by the crime of the forfeiture proceeding.  Other property shall be ordered sold and the proceeds used for payment of expenses of the proceedings for forfeiture and sale, including expenses of seizure, custody, and court costs.  The remainder of the proceeds shall be deposited in the general fund.
(j) The title to a vehicle or vessel forfeited to the state under this section may be transferred by the state to a municipality or the local governing body of a village for official use by the municipality or village, on condition that the vehicle or vessel not be available for use by the defendant.

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