Cigarette stamps -- Sale or delivery.
(a) The Director of the Department of Finance and Administration or
the director's stamp deputy may sell or deliver cigarette stamps only
to licensed wholesalers.
(b) No person shall have in his or her possession any cigarette stamps
except such as have been issued in the regular way in the manner provided
for in this subchapter.
(c)(1) Any cigarette or tobacco products wholesaler or any other person
required by law to affix cigarette tax stamps to cigarettes sold or offered
for sale in this state shall have the option to receive the stamps directly
from the director or to request that the stamps be shipped to the person
in a manner to be selected by the director.
(2) When the stamps are shipped to the wholesaler or other person,
the shipping and insurance cost shall be borne by the wholesaler. The
wholesaler or other person to whom the stamps are shipped shall be liable
for payment of the stamps only upon actual receipt thereof.
(3) The receipt of tax stamps by a cigarette or tobacco products wholesaler
or other person to whom the stamps are shipped shall be evidenced by a
written receipt signed by the person to whom the stamps are shipped or
a person designated by him or her.
(4) A wholesaler or other person who chooses a method of shipment
other than the method selected by the director shall pay the director
for the stamps prior to shipment