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5317 Time for affixing stamps; reporting requirements; violation

(a) The authorized affixing agent shall affix the required amount of Delaware tobacco product tax stamps to unstamped tobacco products within 72 hours after receipt of the tobacco products and prior to the sale of the tobacco products, unless the tobacco products are exempt by other provisions of this chapter.  Whenever any tobacco products are found in the place of business of the authorized affixing agent without the stamps affixed as provided by this subsection, or not segregated or marked as having been received within the preceding 72 hours, or not segregated or marked as exempt from requirement of Delaware tobacco product tax stamp under other provisions of this chapter, a prima facie presumption arises that such tobacco products are possessed in violation of this chapter.

(b) Between noon local time and midnight on each July 31 and December 31, an affixing agent may not have in its possession cigarettes without the stamps affixed as provided under subsection (a) of this section or not segregated or marked as exempt from the requirement of Delaware tobacco product tax stamps.  The affixing agent shall accurately report to the Director of Revenue the quantity of cigarettes bearing stamps and the balance remaining in any device used for affixation of stamps at that time.  Failure to comply with this subsection is prima facie cause for suspension or revocation of licenses under § 5313 of this title.

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